Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "behind"

"behind" traduzione Tedesco

[biˈhaind]preposition | Präposition, Verhältniswort präp

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  • hinter
  • behind → vedere „time
    behind → vedere „time
  • hinter (dative (case) | Dativdat)
    behind less advanced than
    hinter … (dative (case) | Dativdat) zurück
    behind less advanced than
    behind less advanced than
  • to be behindsomebody | jemand sb
    jemandem nachstehen, hinter jemandem zurück sein (in indative (case) | Dativ dat)
    to be behindsomebody | jemand sb
  • what is behind this incident?
    was steckt hinter diesem Vorfall?
    what is behind this incident?
  • to be behind schedule
    to be behind schedule
  • nascondi gli esempimostra più esempi
[biˈhaind]adverb | Adverb adv

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[biˈhaind]adjective | Adjektiv adj <predicative(ly) | prädikativpräd>

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  • im Hintergrund, dahinter, verborgen
    behind hidden figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    behind hidden figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
  • there is more behind
    da steckt (noch) mehr dahinter
    there is more behind
[biˈhaind]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Rückseitefeminine | Femininum f
    behind of garment
    Hinterteilneuter | Neutrum n
    behind of garment
    behind of garment
  • Hinternmasculine | Maskulinum m
    behind buttocks vulgar | vulgärvulg
    behind buttocks vulgar | vulgärvulg
they slugged him from behind
sie fielen ihn von hinten an
they slugged him from behind
he trailed behind
he trailed behind
to place behind
hintansetzen, -stellen
to place behind
to be behind schedule
(mit dem Zeitplan) in Verzug sein
to be behind schedule
he was behind schedule
er hatte sich verspätet
he was behind schedule
to be behind the eight ball
in einer schwierigen Lageor | oder od im Nachteil sein, das Nachsehen haben figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
to be behind the eight ball
behind bars
hinter Gittern, hinter Schloss und Riegel
behind bars
behind the enemy’s lines
hinter den feindlichen Linien
behind the enemy’s lines
to be behind bars
hinter Gittern sitzen
to be behind bars
behind closed doors
hinter verschlossenen Türen
behind closed doors
the door snapped behind him
die Tür fiel hinter ihm ins Schloss
the door snapped behind him
usually | meistmeist meist lag behind
sich verzögern
usually | meistmeist meist lag behind
usually | meistmeist meist lag behind
nacheilen (Strom)
usually | meistmeist meist lag behind
behind the times
behind the times
behind the curtain
hinter den Kulissen
behind the curtain
they voted to stay behind
sie beschlossen, da zu bleiben
they voted to stay behind
behind time
zu spät
behind time
usually | meistmeist meist lag behind
zurückbleiben, nicht mitkommen, hintennachhängen
usually | meistmeist meist lag behind

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