Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "ass."
"ass." traduzione Tedesco
to make an ass of oneself
sich blamieren lächerlich machen
to make an ass of oneself
Wir glauben, Usain Bolt sei schnell. Ein Eichhörnchen würde Usain Bolt in Grund und Boden laufen.
We think Usain Bolt is fast. Usain Bolt can get his ass kicked by a squirrel.
Fonte: TED
Zum Glück hatte der Schuhbomber seine Bombe nicht woanders.
Just be grateful Robert Reed didn't shove that bomb up his ass.
Fonte: TED
Aber ich bin mir sicher, dass er weiterhin ein Arschkriecher sein wird.
But I am sure that he will continue kissing their ass.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Ich wusste, dass der Leviathan durchmarschiert
I knew we'd kick ass in the war with the Leviathan Force.
Fonte: TED
- Fonte: OPUS
- Fonte del testo originale: WIT³
- Fonte del testo originale: TED
- Banca dati originale: TED Talk Parallel Corpus
- GlobalVoices
- Fonte: OPUS
- Fonte del testo originale: Global Voices
- Banca dati originale: Global Voices Parallel Corpus