Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "married"

"married" traduzione Tedesco

[ˈmærid]adjective | Adjektiv adj

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  • engor | oder od innig (miteinander) verbunden
    married figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    married figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
this problem is married to another
dieses Problem ist mit einem anderen eng verknüpft
this problem is married to another
seriously now, are you going to get married?
willst du allen Ernstes heiraten?
seriously now, are you going to get married?
he married a fortune
er hat reichor | oder od eine reiche Frau geheiratet, er hat eine gute Partie gemacht
he married a fortune
to get married
(sich ver)heiraten
to get married
to get married before the registrar
to get married at a (or | oderod the) registry (office)
to get married at a (or | oderod the) registry (office)
to be married to
to be married to
married life
married life
he has married his daughter off to a rich young lawyer
er hat dafür gesorgt, dass seine Tochter einen reichen jungen Anwalt heiratet
he has married his daughter off to a rich young lawyer
she had been privately married to him
sie hatte ihn in aller Stille geheiratet
she had been privately married to him
married couple
married couple
she has got married at last
sie ist endlich unter die Haube gekommen
she has got married at last
to settle down and get married
zur Ruhe kommen und heiraten
to settle down and get married
to get married to
sich verheiraten mit
to get married to
married state
Ehestand, Ehe(leben)
married state
Ehepaar ohne Verpflichtungen
Die Mädchen wurden sowieso immer verheiratet, sobald sie alt genug waren, wozu also etwas lernen?
Girls were inevitably married off as soon as they grew up, so what good was studying?
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Er war 52 Jahre alt und hinterlässt eine Frau und zwei Kinder.
He was 52 years old and married with two children.
Fonte: Europarl
Wenn sie mich nur heiratet, um einen Mann zu bekommen?
Supposing she is only marrying me just to get married?
Fonte: Books
Du bist jung, Kollegin Flemming, und wenn ich nicht verheiratet wäre, würde ich Dir den Hof machen!
You are a young woman, Mrs Flemming, and if I were not married I would ask you out!
Fonte: Europarl
Afridi, 34, ist verheiratet und hat vier Töchter.
Afridi, 34, is married with four daughters.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Seit sie vor vier Jahren geheiratet hat, musste sie ihre Möbel mindestens zwei Mal erneuern.
She has changed her furniture at least twice since she got married four years ago.
Gruscha heiratete nie, hatte nie eigene Kinder.
Nanny never married; never had children of her own.
Dies ist nicht das Umfeld, um als Ehepaar eine Familie zu gründen.
Not the environment to start family as married couple.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Francisco Cano war 45 Jahre alt, verheiratet, hatte zwei Töchter und war von Beruf Elektriker.
Francisco Cano was 45 years old, married with two daughters and was an electrician by trade.
Fonte: Europarl

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