Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "had"

"had" traduzione Tedesco

[hæd]preterite, (simple) past tense | Präteritum, Vergangenheit prätand | und u.past participle | Partizip Perfekt pperf

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  • had → vedere „have
    had → vedere „have
[hæd] auxiliary verb

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  • würde, täte mit as well, as lief, rather, better, liefer, best
    had meaning: would, would do
    had meaning: would, would do
  • würde haben, hätte
    had would have obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs
    had would have obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs
you had better
am besten tun Sie das sofort
you had better
we had
wir hatten
we had
he had the jitters
er hatte das große Zittern
he had the jitters
had not
hatte(n) nicht; hattest nicht; hattet nicht
had not
mir reichts!
ich hatte ein seltsames Erlebnis, ich habesomething | etwas etwas Seltsames erlebt
they had him shot
sie ließen ihn erschießen
they had him shot
they had; they would
sie hatten; sie würden
they had; they would
we’ve had some bad news
wir hatten schlechte Nachricht
we’ve had some bad news
we had such fun!
wir hatten einen Riesenspaß!
we had such fun!
bei uns ist eingebrochen worden
he has had it
den hat's erwischt
he has had it
he had it rough
er hat viel mit-or | oder od durchgemacht
he had it rough
he had to shell
er musste blechen
he had to shell
they had a tolerable passage
sie hatten eine erträgliche Überfahrt
they had a tolerable passage
it would; it had
es würde; es hatte
it would; it had
he had quite a manner
er hatte eine distinguierte Art (des Auftretens)
he had quite a manner
the carriage had an upset
der Wagen kippte um
the carriage had an upset
we had a puncture
wir hatten einen Platten
we had a puncture
it had overtones of
es schwang darinsomething | etwas etwas von … mit
it had overtones of
Dann kam ihr aber ein neuer Gedanke.
Then she had a new inspiration:
Fonte: Books
(Der Redner wird vom Abgeordneten Markov unterbrochen) Ich dachte, ich hätte das Wort.
(The speaker is interrupted by Mr Markov) I thought I had the floor.
Fonte: Europarl
Der Journalist hatte einen Korruptionsskandal im Kabinett des Präsidenten aufgedeckt.
The journalist had brought to light a corruption scandal in the President' s cabinet.
Fonte: Europarl
Sie wußte, daß Ljewin auf dem Gute eine Tätigkeit hatte, die er gern ausübte.
She knew that in the country Levin had work of which he was fond.
Fonte: Books
Seitdem hatte sie ihren Mann nicht mehr sehen wollen.
Since then she had refused to see him.
Fonte: Books
Wir haben in Genf bereits über drei Entschließungen zur Todesstrafe abstimmen lassen.
We have already had three resolutions on the death penalty approved in Geneva.
Fonte: Europarl
Frau Präsidentin, mir ist es gestern genauso ergangen wie dem Kollegen Medina Ortega.
Madam President, I had the same experience as Mr Medina Ortega yesterday.
Fonte: Europarl
Die Zeitläufte hatten ihm seine ursprüngliche Farbe genommen.
The discoloration of ages had been great.
Fonte: Books

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