Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "held"

"held" traduzione Tedesco

[held] <preterite, (simple) past tense | Präteritum, Vergangenheitprätand | und u.past participle | Partizip Perfekt pperf>

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  • held → vedere „hold
    held → vedere „hold
held in solution
held in solution
to be held in respect
to be held in respect
it was held firmly in place with a pin
es wurde von einer Nadel festgehalten
it was held firmly in place with a pin
to be held in high repute
to be held in high repute
to be held in honor
in Ehren gehalten werden
to be held in honor
to be held in solitary confinement
in Einzelhaft gehalten werden
to be held in solitary confinement
the police held him for 24 hours
die Polizei hielt ihn für 24 Stunden fest
the police held him for 24 hours
to be held in irreverence
nicht geachtet werdenor | oder od sein
to be held in irreverence
an estate held in severalty
ein Sonderbesitztum
an estate held in severalty
assets held abroad
ausländisches Vermögen, Auslandsaktiva, Auslandsvermögen
assets held abroad
shares held in treasury
shares held in treasury
the court held that
das Gericht entschied, dass
the court held that
to be held prisoner
to be held prisoner
to be held subject
to be held subject
under his firm steerage the vessel of state held its way
unter seiner festen Führung blieb das Staatsschiff auf Kurs
under his firm steerage the vessel of state held its way
to be held accountable
to be held accountable
es trifft auch heute noch zu, es gilt auch heute noch
Vor Jahrzehnten gab es in Bukarest viele winzige Häuser mit Höfen und kleinen Gärten.
Decades ago, Bucharest held many tiny houses, with courtyards and small gardens.
Dieses Jahr fand das Palästinensische Literaturfestival PalFest zum ersten Mal in Gaza statt.
This year for the first time the Palestinian Festival of Literature, or PalFest, was held in Gaza.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Vermutlich ist ihm etwas zugestoßen, denn normalerweise ist er überaus gewissenhaft.
He must be held up somewhere for he is usually very conscientious.
Fonte: Europarl
Sich zusammennehmend, kam Kitty herein, ging errötend auf Anna zu und reichte ihr die Hand.
Having mustered up her courage, Kitty came in and, blushing, went up to Anna and held out her hand.
Fonte: Books
Sie wollte hinausgehen; aber sie wankte und faßte nach einer Stuhllehne, um sich zu stützen.
She wished to go away, but staggered and held on to the back of a chair to support herself.
Fonte: Books

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