Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "does"

"does" traduzione Tedesco

[dʌz; dəz] <singular | Singularsgpresent (tense) | Präsens, Gegenwart präs>

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  • he does
    er tut
    he does
she does not fit in here
sie passt nicht hierher
she does not fit in here
does he stand pain?
kann er die Schmerzen aushalten?
does he stand pain?
he does not belong
er ist fehl am Platze
he does not belong
the car does 50 m.p.h.
der Wagen fährt 80 km/h
the car does 50 m.p.h.
he does not photograph well
er lässt sich nicht gut fotografieren
he does not photograph well
little does one expect
man erwartet kaum
little does one expect
does this spot show?
sieht man diesen Fleck?
does this spot show?
in Fragen
dog does not eat dog
eine Krähe hackt der anderen kein Auge aus
dog does not eat dog
he does not touch cocktails
er rührt keine Cocktails an
he does not touch cocktails
it does not concern me
es betrifft mich nicht, es geht mich nichts an
it does not concern me
does not
tut nicht
does not
does that look okay?
sieht das okay aus?
does that look okay?
where does it turn on?
wo schaltet man es ein?
where does it turn on?
does it hurt?
tut's weh?
does it hurt?
what does it cost?
was kostet es?
what does it cost?
how does she head?
was liegt an? wie liegen wir?
how does she head?
what does ‘fair’ mean?
was bedeutet ͵fair˜?
what does ‘fair’ mean?
what does the note say?
was steht auf dem Zettel?
what does the note say?
he does not see straight
er sieht nicht richtig
he does not see straight
So existiert zum Beispiel kein Einwanderungsrecht.
For example, the right to immigration does not exist.
Fonte: Europarl
Immer billiger- sieht so die Werbung für Europa aus?
Making things cheaper and cheaper: what image of Europe does that present?
Fonte: Europarl
Und wenn ja, an welche Maßnahmen denkt der Ratsvorsitz?
And if so, what measures does the Council Presidency have in mind?
Fonte: Europarl
Welche Maßnahmen hat sie bereits ergriffen und will sie noch ergreifen?
What decisions has the Commission already taken and what decisions does it plan to take?
Fonte: Europarl
Glauben Sie vielleicht, Herr Putin weiß nicht, daß das, was er in Tschetschenien tut, nicht gut ist?
Do you think that Mr Putin does not know that what he is doing in Chechnya is not good?
Fonte: Europarl

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