Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "stood"

"stood" traduzione Tedesco

[stud] <preterite, (simple) past tense | Präteritum, Vergangenheitprätand | und u.past participle | Partizip Perfekt pperf>

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  • stood → vedere „stand
    stood → vedere „stand
I stood dumb (or | oderod dumbfounded)
ich war (einfach) sprachlos
I stood dumb (or | oderod dumbfounded)
he stood there in a (brown) study
er stand in Gedanken versunkenor | oder od verloren
he stood there in a (brown) study
he stood stock-still
er regte sich nicht
he stood stock-still
it stood vividly before his mind’s eye
es stand deutlich vor seinem geistigen Auge, im Geiste stand es ihm deutlich vor Augen
it stood vividly before his mind’s eye
they stood transported with amazement
sie standen hingerissen vor Erstaunen
they stood transported with amazement
sweat stood on his forehead
der Schweiß stand ihm auf der Stirn
sweat stood on his forehead
love stood the siege
die Liebe hat der Kraftprobe standgehalten
love stood the siege
my hair stood on end
mir standen die Haare zu Berge
my hair stood on end
she stood over the boy while he did his homework
er beaufsichtigte den Jungen, während der seine Hausaufgaben machte
she stood over the boy while he did his homework
my hair stood on end
die Haare sträubten sich mir, mir standen die Haare zu Berg
my hair stood on end
it stood me in £ 10
es kam mich auf £ 10 zu stehen
it stood me in £ 10
she stood stunned by the sight
sie stand bestürztor | oder od wie gelähmtor | oder od betäubt von diesem Anblick
she stood stunned by the sight
it has stood through worse storms
es hat (schon) schlimmere Stürme überstandenor | oder od überdauert
it has stood through worse storms
tears stood in her eyes
ihr standen Tränen in den Augen, in ihren Augen standen Tränen
tears stood in her eyes
the score stood at (or | oderod was) …
das Spiel stand: …
the score stood at (or | oderod was) …
his veins stood out like whipcord
seine Adern waren dick angeschwollen
his veins stood out like whipcord
I have often stood his friend
ich war ihmoften | oft oft ein (treuer) Freund
I have often stood his friend
some people just stood by and watched
some people just stood by and watched
Sie haben Ihr Wort gehalten.
You have stood by your word.
Fonte: Europarl
Rom und Sparta sind viele Jahrhunderte lang bewaffnet und frei gewesen.
Rome and Sparta stood for many ages armed and free.
Fonte: Books
Sie stockte, stand einen Augenblick still und ging dann zu Grete zurück.
She stood very still, remained there a moment, and then went back out to Grete.
Fonte: Books
Heute sind Sie für uns eingesprungen.
Today you have stood in for us.
Fonte: Europarl
Ich stand einfach nur da und habe zugesehen, wie er wieder davonging.
I just stood there and watched him walk away.
Fonte: GlobalVoices

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