Traduzione Tedesco-Inglese per "lag"
"lag" traduzione Inglese
everything was lying about higgledy-piggledy
es lag ein Missverständnis vor
there was a misunderstanding
es lag ein Missverständnis vor
alles lag bunt durcheinander
sie lag stundenlang schlaflos
sie lag stundenlang schlaflos
that was exactly the attraction
gerade darin lag die Verlockung
She was clever; she was already in tears while Gregor was still lying peacefully on his back.
Sie war klug; sie hatte schon geweint, als Gregor noch ruhig auf dem Rücken lag.
Fonte: Books
He lay there, quietly smoking a cigar, until about eleven o'clock.
Etwa bis elf Uhr lag er ruhig, eine Zigarre rauchend, auf dem Kanapee.
Fonte: Books
The bottleneck, as we quite often noticed, was located within the Council of Ministers.
Der Engpaß lag, wie wir des öfteren festgestellt haben, beim Ministerrat.
Fonte: Europarl
Barpak, a tiny picturesque hamlet in the Gorkha district, was at the earthquake s epicenter ’.
Das Epizentrum des Erdbebens lag direkt in Barpak, einem winzigen Bilderbuchdorf im Gorkha-Distrikt.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
- GlobalVoices
- Fonte: OPUS
- Fonte del testo originale: Global Voices
- Banca dati originale: Global Voices Parallel Corpus
- Europarl
- Fonte: OPUS
- Fonte del testo originale: Europäisches Parlament
- Banca dati originale: Europarl Parallel Corups
- Books
- Fonte: OPUS
- Fonte del testo originale: Bilingual Books