Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "supposed"

"supposed" traduzione Tedesco

[səˈpouzd]adjective | Adjektiv adj

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you are not supposed to do that
das darfst du nicht (tun)
you are not supposed to do that
a grammarian is supposed to know (the) grammar
von einem Grammatiker erwartet man, dass er die Grammatik kennt
a grammarian is supposed to know (the) grammar
that being supposed
that being supposed
what is that supposed to mean?
was soll denn das?
what is that supposed to mean?
she is supposed to do the cooking
sie soll (eigentlich) das Kochen besorgen
ihre Aufgabe ist es, zu kochen
she is supposed to do the cooking
he is supposed to be rich
man hält ihn für reich, er soll reich sein
he is supposed to be rich
you are not supposed to know everything
du brauchst nicht alles zu wissen
you are not supposed to know everything
the contrary is rather to be supposed
vielmehr ist das Gegenteil anzunehmen
the contrary is rather to be supposed
it is to be supposed that
es ist anzunehmenor | oder od man darf annehmen, dass
it is to be supposed that
he was supposed to go in first
er sollte als Erster hineingehen
he was supposed to go in first
isn’t he supposed to be at home?
sollte er nicht eigentlich zu Hause sein?
isn’t he supposed to be at home?
it is supposed to be beautiful
it is supposed to be beautiful
he is supposed to be at home
von Rechts wegen sollte er zu Hause sein
he is supposed to be at home
Der Houthi-Aktivist Hussaini Bukhaiti (@HussainBukhaiti) sollte eigentlich auch zu uns stoßen.
Houthi activist Hussaini Bukhaiti (@ HussainBukhaiti) was supposed to join us as well.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Der große Nachteil der Wechselkursbindung für Europa ist angeblich der Export.
The big downside of the currency peg for Europe is supposed to be exports.
Geplant war dieser Ausgang der Dinge eigentlich nicht.
Things were not supposed to turn out this way.
Wir hatten ursprünglich nicht vor, uns auf aktuelle Themen zu konzentrieren.
Initially, the project was not supposed to be impacted by current events.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Was soll dieser Ausschuß herausfinden?
What is this committee supposed to find out?
Fonte: Europarl
Wie ich soeben betonte, soll die Mittelmeerpolitik der Union umfassender Natur sein.
So, as I pointed out, the Union' s Mediterranean policy is supposed to be global.
Fonte: Europarl
Sollen wir ihm zu seiner Freiheit gratulieren oder wegen seines Exils trösten?
Are we supposed to congratulate him on his freedom or console him on his exile?
Fonte: GlobalVoices

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