Traduzione Tedesco-Inglese per "litt"

"litt" traduzione Inglese


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(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

es litt ihn nicht länger im Zimmer
he could not bear to stay in the room any longer
es litt ihn nicht länger im Zimmer
er litt wahre Folterqualen
he suffered real torments, he went through absolute agony
er litt wahre Folterqualen
die Tyrannei, worunter das Volk litt
selten the tyranny under which the people suffered
die Tyrannei, worunter das Volk litt
She suffered from anorexia as a teenager.
Sie litt als Jugendliche an Magersucht.
Fonte: Tatoeba
For years, Tom suffered from migraine headaches.
Tom litt jahrelang unter Migräne.
Fonte: Tatoeba
And a former teacher who happened to have Alzheimer's took on the task of teaching me to write.
Ein früherer Lehrer, der an Alzheimer litt, übernahm es, mir das Schreiben beizubringen.
Fonte: TED
She herself was suffering from HIV; she was suffering from tuberculosis.
Sie selbst litt an HIV, sie litt an Tuberkulose.
Fonte: TED
He suffered from a bad cold.
Er litt an einer schlimmen Erkältung.
Fonte: Tatoeba

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