Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "they"

"they" traduzione Tedesco

[ðei]pronoun | Pronomen, Fürwort pron

Panoramica di tutte le traduzion

(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • he, she, it pl zu
    he, she, it pl zu
  • they go
    sie gehen
    they go
  • man
    they people
    they people
  • es
    they subject of be, seemet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
    they subject of be, seemet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
  • er, sie, es
    they referring to collective nouns
    they referring to collective nouns
  • they who
    diejenigen, welche
    they who
they lacked supplies/courage
es fehlte ihnen an Vorräten/Mut
they lacked supplies/courage
sie liefen als Erste durchs Ziel
they died horribly
sie starben einen grauenhaften Tod
they died horribly
they wrote/phoned back
sie schrieben/riefen zurück
they wrote/phoned back
they work more
they work more
they drew
sie spieltenor | oder od trennten sich unentschieden
they drew
sie erlitten schwere Verluste
they lost heavily
they were presumed dead
they were presumed dead
they got quarrel(l)ing
sie fingen an zu streiten
they got quarrel(l)ing
they were sweethearts
sie waren ein Pärchen
they were sweethearts
they whacked spoils
sie teilten die Beute
they whacked spoils
they are complete opposites
sie sind völlig gegensätzliche Charaktere
they are complete opposites
they were provided with blankets
es wurden ihnen Decken zur Verfügung gestellt
they were provided with blankets
they were shut
sie hatten geschlossen
they were shut
they ventured ashore
sie wagten sich an Land
they ventured ashore
they stoked themselves
sie haben sich vollgestopf
they stoked themselves
they capped spending at £50,000
die Ausgaben wurden bei £ 50.000 gedeckelt
they capped spending at £50,000
they became tiers
sie standen gleich
they became tiers
they will
sie werden
they will

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