Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "became"

"became" traduzione Tedesco

[biˈkeim] <preterite, (simple) past tense | Präteritum, Vergangenheitprät>

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(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • became → vedere „become
    became → vedere „become
the country became a spoil to her enemies
das Land wurde zur Beute seiner Feinde
the country became a spoil to her enemies
he became suspicious
accuracy became a passion with him
accuracy became a passion with him
the place became too hot for him
ihm wurde der Boden zu heiß
the place became too hot for him
the trees became a blur
man konnte die Bäume nur noch verschwommen erkennen
the trees became a blur
he became worse every day
es wurde jeden Tag schlimmer mit ihm
he became worse every day
they became tiers
sie standen gleich
they became tiers
he became mixed up in shady transactions
er wurde in zweifelhafte Geschäfte verwickelt
he became mixed up in shady transactions
it became ours by purchase
wir erwarben es durch Kaufor | oder od käuflich
it became ours by purchase
he became a nuisance in his way
he became a nuisance in his way
their loud music became such a trial to their neighbours
ihre laute Musik stellte ihre Nachbarn richtig auf die Probe
their loud music became such a trial to their neighbours
it became the fashion
es wurde große Mode
it became the fashion
he became famous overnight
er wurde über Nacht berühmt
he became famous overnight
the war became only a memory
the war became only a memory
she became involvedd in crime
sie rutschte in die Kriminalität ab
she became involvedd in crime
Picasso began with a swish of line which became a face
Picasso fing mit einem Pinselstrich an, aus dem ein Gesicht wurde
Picasso began with a swish of line which became a face
Das sind nun fast zehn Jahre her, als die DDR Teil Gesamtdeutschlands wurde.
This was nearly ten years ago when the GDR became part of Germany.
Fonte: Europarl
Indessen wurde der geheimnisvolle Ton bestimmter und drängte sich geradezu der Wahrnehmung auf.
But now this mysterious sound became more pronounced, and forced a recognition.
Fonte: Books
In der Kirche wurde es so still, daß man das Fallen der Wachstropfen hörte.
The church became so quiet that the drops of wax were heard falling from the candles.
Fonte: Books
Im April haben wir die Macht des Plenums unter Beweis gestellt.
In April, the power of the plenary meeting became evident.
Fonte: Europarl
Die Zeit auf dem Weg zu und von meiner Arbeit in Paris wurde zu meiner Lesezeit.
Time spent commuting to and from work in Paris became my reading time!
Fonte: GlobalVoices

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