Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "during"

"during" traduzione Tedesco

[ˈdju(ə)riŋ] American English | amerikanisches EnglischUSalso | auch a. [ˈdu-]preposition | Präposition, Verhältniswort präp

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(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • während, im Laufe von (or | oderodgenitive (case) | Genitiv gen)
    during at one point in period of time
    during at one point in period of time
  • während der Dauer von (or | oderodgenitive (case) | Genitiv gen)
    during all through period of time
    during all through period of time
heavy rains during the summer
heftige Regenfälle während des Sommers
heavy rains during the summer
during the night
during the night
during the rule of
während der Regierung (genitive (case) | Genitivgen)
during the rule of
during Pitt’s ministry
während Pitt (leitender) Minister war, in Pitts Regierungszeit
during Pitt’s ministry
das Bild wurde während der Amtszeit Präsident Hoovers aufgenommen
during which time he had not eaten
und während dieser Zeit hatte er nichts gegessen
during which time he had not eaten
to steal a nap during a sermon
to steal a nap during a sermon
during (the) high season
during (the) high season
during his patienthood at the hospital
während seines Krankenhausaufenthalts
during his patienthood at the hospital
during the war when everything was unsettled
während des Kriegs, als alles unsicher war
during the war when everything was unsettled
during the making of Lord of the Rings
während der Dreharbeiten zu Herr der Ringe
during the making of Lord of the Rings
to swing a district during the elections
eine Wahlkreis während den Wahlen auf seine Seite ziehen
to swing a district during the elections
it can be postponed during our pleasure
it can be postponed during our pleasure
during his occupancy of the post
solange er die Stelle innehatte
during his occupancy of the post
during Her (His) Majesty’s pleasure
usually | meistmeist auf Lebenszeit (Gefängnisstrafe)
during Her (His) Majesty’s pleasure
during his tenure
during his tenure
during offpeak hours
außerhalb der Stoßzeiten
during offpeak hours
Ich habe auch gesehen, wie einige Kolleginnen und Kollegen den Saal während des Zählens verließen.
I, too, noticed Members leaving the Chamber during the count.
Fonte: Europarl
Herr Präsident, die Kommission teilt die in der Aussprache zum Ausdruck gebrachten Besorgnisse.
Mr President, the Commission shares the concern expressed during this debate.
Fonte: Europarl
Bei der Diskussion über die Regierungskonferenz kam mir dieses Gleichnis in den Sinn.
Nonetheless, I was reminded of this parable during the IGC discussion.
Fonte: Europarl
Wenn wir uns nicht an diese Regel halten, dann bringen wir die Abstimmung nur durcheinander.
If we start breaking that rule then it just creates chaos during the votes.
Fonte: Europarl
Wir haben diesen Bedarf während des Krieges im Kosovo erlebt.
We saw the need during the war in Kosovo.
Fonte: Europarl
Die Abstimmung findet während der folgenden Tagung statt.
The vote will take place during the next part-session.
Fonte: Europarl
Diese Ziele werden wir im Rahmen des Reformprozesses dann auch aufmerksam verfolgen.
We shall monitor these objectives closely during the reform process.
Fonte: Europarl

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