Traduzione Tedesco-Inglese per "schmolz"

"schmolz" traduzione Inglese

[ʃmɔlts] <1und | and u. 3Singular | singular sgPräteritum, Vergangenheit | preterite, (simple) past tense prät>, schmölze [ˈʃmœltsə] <1und | and u. 3Singular | singular sgPräteritum, Vergangenheit | preterite, (simple) past tense prätKonjunktiv | conjunctive (mood) konjkt>

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(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

ihr Herz schmolz vor Mitleid
her heart melted with pity
ihr Herz schmolz vor Mitleid
seine Wut schmolz dahin
his rage melted away
seine Wut schmolz dahin
sie schmolz sein Herz
she melted his heart, she made his heart melt
sie schmolz sein Herz
And then it melted into a little sort of syrupy liquid, brown.
Es schmolz in eine etwas sirupartige braune Flüssigkeit.
Fonte: TED
And then I tried the melting business, and I melted it.
Und dann versuchte ich mich am Schmelzen und ich schmolz es.
Fonte: TED
The sun melted the snow.
Die Sonne schmolz den Schnee.
Fonte: Tatoeba
It was my whole self melting into Michaela's lap.
Es war mein ganzes Selbst, das in Michaelas Schoss schmolz.
Fonte: TED
that ice sheet became very dynamic and was very easily melted.
damit das Eis sehr dynamisch wurde und einfach schmolz.
Fonte: TED

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