Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "France"

"France" traduzione Tedesco

[frɑːns] American English | amerikanisches EnglischUS [fræns]noun | Substantiv s

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crown and seat of France
Kroneand | und u. Thron von Frankreich
crown and seat of France
the Republic of France, the French Republic
the Republic of France, the French Republic
somewhere in France
matter of France
matière de France (um Karl den Großen)
matter of France
we flew Air France
wir sind (mit) Air France geflogen
we flew Air France
the sea severs England from France
das Meer trennt England von Frankreich
the sea severs England from France
to bound France
die Grenzen Frankreichs nennen
to bound France
France ranks among the Great Powers
Frankreich gehörtor | oder od zählt zu den Großmächten
France ranks among the Great Powers
to tour France
to tour France
Constable of France
Konnetabel von Frankreich (ehemals militärischer Oberbefehlshaber)
Constable of France
the laws of France vary from those of England
die Gesetze in Frankreich unterscheiden sich von denen in England
the laws of France vary from those of England
we are going to the south of France
we are going to the south of France
he honed his linguistic skills in France
er vervollkommnete seine Sprachkenntnisse in Frankreich
he honed his linguistic skills in France

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