Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "England"

"England" traduzione Tedesco

[ˈiŋglənd]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Englandneuter | Neutrum n
Primate of England
Titel des Erzbischofs von York
Primate of England
Merry England
das lustige, gemütliche (alte) England (especially | besondersbesonders zur Zeit Elisabeths I.)
Merry England
we are setting sail for England next week
nächste Woche fahren wir nach England
we are setting sail for England next week
the naval supremacy of England
die Vormachtstellung Englands zur See
the naval supremacy of England
in England
in England
in England
Kent is the garden of England
Kent ist der Garten Englands
Kent is the garden of England
England expects every man to do his duty
England erwartet, dass jeder Mann seine Pflicht tut
England expects every man to do his duty
the sea severs England from France
das Meer trennt England von Frankreich
the sea severs England from France
southern England
das südl. England, Südengland
southern England
I was in England then
ich war damals in England
I was in England then
the realm of England
the realm of England
England is a beautiful country, isn’t she?
England ist ein schönes Land, nicht wahr?
England is a beautiful country, isn’t she?
Established Church of England
Established Church of England
eastern England
eastern England
he was capped four times for England
he was capped four times for England
Lord Great Chamberlain of England
Lord Great Chamberlain of England
Primate of All England
Titel des Erzbischofs von Canterbury
Primate of All England
the people of England
das engl. Volk
the people of England
the England of today
das heutige England, das England von heute
the England of today
this territory has long been subject to England
dieses Gebiet war lange von England abhängig
this territory has long been subject to England
England selbst ist in 48 zeremonielle Grafschaften unterteilt.
England proper is divided into 48 ceremonial counties.
Fonte: Tatoeba
England steht kurz davor, die Ashes zu gewinnen.
England are about to win the Ashes.
Fonte: Tatoeba

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