Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "clothes"

"clothes" traduzione Tedesco

[klouðz]plural noun | Substantiv Plural spl

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(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • Kleiderplural | Plural pl
    Kleidungfeminine | Femininum f
  • clothes → vedere „plain
    clothes → vedere „plain
  • (Leib)Wäschefeminine | Femininum f
    clothes underwear obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs
    clothes underwear obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs
  • clothes syn → vedere „apparel
    clothes syn → vedere „apparel
  • clothes → vedere „attire
    clothes → vedere „attire
  • clothes → vedere „clothing
    clothes → vedere „clothing
  • clothes → vedere „dress
    clothes → vedere „dress
  • clothes → vedere „raiment
    clothes → vedere „raiment
strange clothes
seltsame Kleidung
strange clothes
warm clothes
warmeor | oder od wärmende Kleidung
warm clothes
they settled their clothes
sie räumten ihre Kleider auf
they settled their clothes
castoff clothes
abgelegte Kleider
castoff clothes
clothes rack
smart clothes
schicke Kleidung
smart clothes
her clothes are too-too
ihre Kleidung ist hyperfein
her clothes are too-too
plain clothes
plain clothes
holiday clothes
Festtags-, Sonntagskleider
holiday clothes
his clothes argue poverty
seine Kleidung zeugt von Armut
his clothes argue poverty
old clothes
alteor | oder od (ab)getragene Kleider
old clothes
roughdry clothes
state clothes
Staatskleider, Gala
state clothes
worn clothes
getragene Kleider
worn clothes
change of clothes
change of clothes
to save one’s clothes
to save one’s clothes
his clothes were dripping
seine Kleider trieften
his clothes were dripping
ready-made clothes
ready-made clothes
also | aucha. suit of clothes
Anzugmasculine | Maskulinum m
Kostümneuter | Neutrum n
also | aucha. suit of clothes
Vietnam ist außerdem zu einem großen Exporteur von Bekleidung, Schuhen und Möbeln geworden.
Vietnam has also become a major exporter of clothes, shoes, and furniture.
Seit Jahren hebe ich meine Kleider, die ich nicht mehr trage, auf.
For years, I've been storing clothes I didn't use anymore.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Dies ist ein eindeutiger Fall von Des Kaisers neue Kleider.
This is a clear case of the emperor ’ s new clothes.
Fonte: Europarl
Die Erweiterung auf Kinderschuhe und-bekleidung ist ebenfalls nicht hinzunehmen.
The addition to children's shoes and clothes is also unacceptable.
Fonte: Europarl
Er sagte ihr, sie solle ruhig sein und zog ihr die Kleider aus.
He told her to stay quiet and take her clothes off.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Natürlich leisten sich die Chinesen zunehmend extravagante neue Autos und Designerkleidung.
Of course, Chinese increasingly consume fancy new cars and designer clothes.
Die Soldaten hatten keine Kleidung, um sich vor der eisigen Kälte zu schützen.
Soldiers had no clothes to protect them from freezing cold.
Auf einem der Bilder zogen beide Frauen die Sex-Boykott T-Shirt über.
In one picture, both women wore the sex-boycott t-shirts over their clothes.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Er trug Kleider, aber diese Kleider waren nur sein Nachtgewand.
He was wearing some clothes, but only his night attire.
Fonte: Europarl
Aber Sid war in seine Kleider gefahren und war fortgelaufen.
But Sid had snatched his clothes and gone.
Fonte: Books
Aber, wie gesagt, für den Auskunftgeber hielten wir einmal schöne Kleidung für nötig.
But, as I said, we decided that the information-giver would have to have nice clothes.
Fonte: Books

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