Traduzione Tedesco-Inglese per "kraulen"

"kraulen" traduzione Inglese

[ˈkraulən]transitives Verb | transitive verb v/t <h>

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(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • ruffle
    kraulen Fell, Bart, Haare etc
    run one’s fingers through
    kraulen Fell, Bart, Haare etc
    kraulen Fell, Bart, Haare etc
  • tickle
    kraulen streicheln
    kraulen streicheln
  • jemandem das Kinn kraulen
    to tickle (oder | orod chuck)jemand | somebody sb under the chin
    jemandem das Kinn kraulen
  • eine Katze am Ohr kraulen
    to tickle a cat under the ear
    eine Katze am Ohr kraulen
Instead of swimming crawl, swim breaststroke.
Statt zu kraulen, mach Brustschwimmen.
Fonte: TED
So I would go into the ponds and crawl around and pick them up with my toes.
Also ging ich in den Teich und kraulte herum und fischte sie mit meinen Füßen heraus.
Fonte: TED
She knows how to do the crawl.
Sie weiß, wie man krault.
Fonte: Tatoeba
intransitives Verb | intransitive verb v/i <sein>

Panoramica di tutte le traduzion

(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • crawl, swim (oder | orod do) the crawl
    kraulen Sport | sportsSPORT
    kraulen Sport | sportsSPORT
jemandem das Kinn kraulen
to tickle (oder | orod chuck)jemand | somebody sb under the chin
jemandem das Kinn kraulen
Instead of swimming crawl, swim breaststroke.
Statt zu kraulen, mach Brustschwimmen.
Fonte: TED
So I would go into the ponds and crawl around and pick them up with my toes.
Also ging ich in den Teich und kraulte herum und fischte sie mit meinen Füßen heraus.
Fonte: TED
She knows how to do the crawl.
Sie weiß, wie man krault.
Fonte: Tatoeba

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