Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "civilization"

"civilization" traduzione Tedesco

noun | Substantiv s

Panoramica di tutte le traduzion

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  • Zivilisationfeminine | Femininum f
    civilization civilized culture
    Kulturfeminine | Femininum f
    civilization civilized culture
    civilization civilized culture
  • zivilisierte Welt, Kulturweltfeminine | Femininum f
    civilization civilized world
    civilization civilized world
the fringes of civilization
die Randzonen der Zivilisation
the fringes of civilization
vestiges of an earlier civilization
Spuren einer früheren Zivilisation
vestiges of an earlier civilization
beyond (or | oderod outsideor | oder od out of) the pale of civilization
außerhalb der Grenzenor | oder od fern aller Zivilisation
beyond (or | oderod outsideor | oder od out of) the pale of civilization
material civilization
materielle Kultur
material civilization
to reproduce a former civilization
ein Bild einer früheren Kultur entwerfen
to reproduce a former civilization
without the pale of civilization
jenseits der Zivilisationsgrenze
without the pale of civilization
traces of an ancient civilization
Spurenor | oder od (Über)Reste einer alten Kultur
traces of an ancient civilization
All dies geschieht nicht in irgendeinem fernen Land, weitab der Zivilisation.
All of this is happening not in some remote country, far removed from civilization.
Der emotionale Kampf der Kulturen
The Emotional Clash of Civilizations
Auf dieser historischen Grundlage haben wir unsere Zivilisation erbaut.
On top of this historical foundation, we build our civilization.
Das Bindeglied zwischen Christentum und der europäischen Kultur zerbricht.
The link between Christianity and European civilization is breaking.
Gegen diese Werkzeuge aus ureigenster westlicher Produktion hatte der Rest keine Chance.
Against such tools unique products – of Western civilization – the rest had no chance.
Ja, die Zivilisation scheint in der Defensive zu sein.
Yes, civilization seems to be on the defensive.

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