[əˈdæpt]transitive verb | transitives Verb v/tPanoramica di tutte le traduzion
(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)
- an-, einpassen (for, to anaccusative (case) | Akkusativ akk)adaptanbequemenadaptadapt
- umstellen (to aufaccusative (case) | Akkusativ akk)adapt machineadapt machine
- to adapt oneself to circumstances
- to adapt a factory to the production of other products commercial term, commerce | Wirtschaft/VolkswirtschaftWIRTSCHeinen Betrieb auf die Herstellung anderer Produkte umstellen
- anwenden (to aufaccusative (case) | Akkusativ akk)adapt useadapt use
- bearbeiten (from nach)adapt stage playet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etcadapt stage playet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
- angleichen, anschmiegen (to anaccusative (case) | Akkusativ akk)adapt mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATHadapt mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH
- akkommodierenadapt physics | PhysikPHYSadapt physics | PhysikPHYS
- adapt syn → vedere „accommodate“adapt syn → vedere „accommodate“
- adapt → vedere „adjust“adapt → vedere „adjust“
- adapt → vedere „conform“adapt → vedere „conform“
- adapt → vedere „reconcile“adapt → vedere „reconcile“