„yes“: adverb yes [jes]adverb | Adverb adv Panoramica di tutte le traduzion (Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli) ja ja, gewiss ja doch ja sogar jawohl ja? tatsächlich? wirklich? ja yes expressing agreement yes expressing agreement esempi yes, indeed ja, wahrhaftig yes, indeed to say yes tosomething | etwas sth something | etwasetwas bejahen to say yes tosomething | etwas sth ja, gewiss yes expressing confirmation yes expressing confirmation esempi did you enjoy the play? Yes, I did gefiel dir das Stück? Ja, gewissor | oder od durchaus did you enjoy the play? Yes, I did (ja) doch yes in response to a negative yes in response to a negative esempi can’t you see him? Yes, I can kannst du ihn nicht sehen? Doch can’t you see him? Yes, I can oh yes oh doch, oh ja oh yes ja sogar yes even yes even jawohl yes yes indeed yes yes indeed ja? tatsächlich? wirklich? yes asking a question yes asking a question „yes“: noun yes [jes]noun | Substantiv s <yeses> Panoramica di tutte le traduzion (Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli) Jawort Ja(wort)neuter | Neutrum n yes yes esempi Yes and No ein Rätselspiel Yes and No to confine oneself to yes and no (or | oderod yeses and noes) sich auf ein Jaor | oder od. Nein beschränken to confine oneself to yes and no (or | oderod yeses and noes) to say yes sein Jawort geben, einwilligen to say yes with a loud yes mit lautem Ja with a loud yes nascondi gli esempimostra più esempi