Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "known"

"known" traduzione Tedesco

[noun]past participle | Partizip Perfekt pperf

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  • known → vedere „know
    known → vedere „know
[noun]adjective | Adjektiv adj

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familiarly known as …
bei Freunden und Verwandten als … bekannt
familiarly known as …
he has never known trouble
er hat nie Schwierigkeiten gehabt
he has never known trouble
a less known (or | oderod less-known) author
ein weniger bekannter Verfasser
a less known (or | oderod less-known) author
there is danger lest the plan become known
es besteht Gefahr, dass der Plan bekannt wird
there is danger lest the plan become known
es ist in dieser Gegend sehr bekannt
I have known him since he was in petticoats
ich kenne ihn von Kindesbeinen an
I have known him since he was in petticoats
it is widely known
es ist weitand | und u. breit bekannt
it is widely known
it needs but to become known
es braucht nur bekannt zu werden
it needs but to become known
how could I possibly have known that?
wie hätte ich das denn wissen sollen?
how could I possibly have known that?
you ought to have known better
du hättest es besser wissen sollenor | oder od müssen
you ought to have known better
I have known him for two years
ich kenne ihn (schon) seit 2 Jahren
I have known him for two years
he has known better days
er hat bessere Tage gesehen
he has known better days
ever since I’ve known him
so lange ich ihn kenne
ever since I’ve known him
to make known
bekannt machen, -geben
to make known
seinen Willen kundtun
to make known one’s pleasure
a man who is widely known
ein in weiten Kreisen bekannter Mann
a man who is widely known
since when have you known this?
seit wann weißt du das schon?
since when have you known this?
In der Geschäftsordnung steht auch, daß das Abstimmungsergebnis nicht verkündet wird.
They also specify that the outcome of the vote shall not be made known.
Fonte: Europarl
Der Fürst Tschetschenski ist eine sehr bekannte Persönlichkeit.
What, the well-known Prince Chechensky?
Fonte: Books
Christus hätte jene Worte nie gesprochen, wenn er gewußt hätte, wie sie mißbraucht werden würden.
Christ would never have spoken those words, had he known how they would be misused!
Fonte: Books
Die Instrumente sind sicher allen bekannt.
The tools are surely known to all.
Fonte: Europarl
Der Mönch wurde seines Amtes enthoben, danach war sein Aufenthaltsort unbekannt.
The monk was defrocked and after which his whereabouts were not known.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Auf der anderen Hälfte des bekannten Planeten wurden Wissenschaftler bestraft, sogar umgebracht.
In the other half of the known planet, scientists were punished, even killed.
Glücklicherweise war die Funktionsweise einer solchen Paarung bekannt.
Fortunately, the mechanism for such coupling was known.
Er ist bekannt für sein Lachen und seine Tänze in Sanlaap-Programmen.
He is known for his laughter and his coreography in Sanlaap programmes.
Fonte: GlobalVoices

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