Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "herself"

"herself" traduzione Tedesco

[hə(r)ˈself]pronoun | Pronomen, Fürwort pron

Panoramica di tutte le traduzion

(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • sie selbst, ihr selbst
    herself emphatically
    herself emphatically
  • it is she herself
    sie ist es selbst
    it is she herself
  • she herself said itor | oder od she said it herself
    sie selbst sagte es
    she herself said itor | oder od she said it herself
  • she hurt herself
    sie hat sich verletzt
    she hurt herself
  • nascondi gli esempimostra più esempi
  • sich (selbst)
    herself reflexiv
    herself reflexiv
  • she has killed herself
    sie hat sich umgebracht
    she has killed herself
she starved herself to death
sie hungerte sich zu Tode
she starved herself to death
the boat rights herself
das Schiff richtet sich wieder auf
the boat rights herself
she plonked herself right in front of the TV
sie pflanzte sich direkt vor den Fernseher
she plonked herself right in front of the TV
she felt faint and had to steady herself on the back of the chair
ihr war schwindelig und sie musste sich an der Stuhllehne festhalten
she felt faint and had to steady herself on the back of the chair
she’s throwing herself away on that man
sie wirft sich an den Mann weg
she’s throwing herself away on that man
she settled herself to work
she must have poured herself into these trousers
die Hosen sitzen wie angegossen
she must have poured herself into these trousers
she denied herself to me
sie ließ sich vor mir verleugnen
she denied herself to me
she threw herself upon her knees
sie warf sich auf die Knie
she threw herself upon her knees
she prodded herself into action
sie gab sich einen Stoß
she prodded herself into action
she can’t bring herself to do it
sie kann sich nicht dazu durchringen, es zu tun
she can’t bring herself to do it
she settled herself to work
sie machte sich an die Arbeit
she settled herself to work
she precipitated herself from a great height
sie stürzte sich aus großer Höhe hinunter
she precipitated herself from a great height
she is mistress of herself
sie beherrscht sich
she is mistress of herself

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