Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "growing"

"growing" traduzione Tedesco

[ˈgrouiŋ]adjective | Adjektiv adj

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  • wachsend
    growing undergoing growth
    growing undergoing growth
  • Wachstums…
    growing relating to growth
    growing relating to growth
wine growing region
Wein(an)baugebietneuter | Neutrum n
wine growing region
a check on growing rates of unemployment
eine Eindämmung der zunehmenden Arbeitslosenzahlen
a check on growing rates of unemployment
his eyes were growing as round as saucers
seine Augen weiteten sich
his eyes were growing as round as saucers
Jetzt ist alles anders, die Blogosphäre wächst rasend schnell.
Now, the picture is very different, the Syrian blogsphere is one that is growing rapidly.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Anderenfalls wächst die Gesetzesflut in Brüssel unaufhörlich.
Otherwise, the number of laws produced in Brussels will just keep on growing.
Fonte: Europarl
Die Nacht war bewölkt und dunkel.
The night was growing cloudy and dark.
Fonte: Books
Es handelt sich hierbei um einen der am schnellsten wachsenden Müllberge in Europa.
Cars are one of the fastest growing sources of waste we have in Europe.
Fonte: Europarl
Dies ist ein erster Überblick über die kleine, aber wachsende Gemeinschaft der somalischen Blogs.
The first roundup of Somali blogs, a small but steadily growing segment of the African blogsphere.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Aber wenn der Haushaltsentwurf erst einmal steht, wird es eine wachsende Gegenbewegung geben.
Yet when the actual budget proposals are made, there will be a growing backlash.

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