Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "fated"

"fated" traduzione Tedesco

Ähnliches gilt für alles, was in diesen verhängnisvollen zehn Jahren in Afghanistan passiert ist.
This is similar to all that has happened in these ill-fated ten years of war in Afghanistan.
Fonte: Europarl
Leider stand dieser Bericht von Anfang an unter einem schlechten Stern.
Unfortunately, this report has been ill-fated from the outset.
Fonte: Europarl
Ihre Versuche, sie wiederzubeleben, sind ebenso geschmack- wie erfolglos.
Your attempts to resuscitate it are as distasteful as they are ill-fated.
Fonte: Europarl
In einer derartigen Atmosphäre ist das Scheitern der Verhandlungen beinahe schon programmiert.
Negotiations in such an atmosphere are almost fated to failure.
Aber wir sind dazu verurteilt, wenigstens noch einige Minuten im Gespräch miteinander zu verbringen.
However, we are fated to spend at least a few more minutes in conversation.
Fonte: Europarl
Es war ihm aber nicht beschieden, davonzukommen.
But he was not fated to go yet.
Fonte: Books

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