Traduzione Tedesco-Inglese per "Zeremonie"

"Zeremonie" traduzione Inglese

[tseremoˈniː; -ˈmoːnɪ̆ə]Femininum | feminine f <Zeremonie; Zeremonien [-ˈniːən; -ˈmoːnɪ̆ən]>

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(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

The ceremony took place in the afternoon.
Die Zeremonie fand am Nachmittag statt.
Fonte: Tatoeba
The ceremony was very impressive.
Die Zeremonie war sehr beeindruckend.
Fonte: Tatoeba
They filmed the entire ceremony.
Sie haben die ganze Zeremonie gefilmt.
Fonte: Tatoeba
The sacred ceremony was held in the magnificent temple.
Die sakrale Zeremonie fand in dem prächtigen Tempel statt.
Fonte: Tatoeba
And like a fool, I didn't go to the ceremony because I didn't think we were going to win.
Und ich Narr ging nicht zur Zeremonie weil ich nicht dachte, dass wir gewinnen werden.
Fonte: TED

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