Traduzione Tedesco-Inglese per "Training"

"Training" traduzione Inglese

[ˈtrɛːnɪŋ]Neutrum | neuter n <Trainings; Trainings> Engl.

Panoramica di tutte le traduzion

(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • training
    Training von Sportler
    Training von Sportler
  • [nicht] im Training sein
    to be in [not be in] training
    [nicht] im Training sein
  • ein scharfes Training
    stiff training
    ein scharfes Training
  • mit dem Training beginnen
    to go into training
    mit dem Training beginnen
  • training
    Training des Gedächtnisses etc
    Training des Gedächtnisses etc
autogenes Training
autogenic training
autogenes Training
As a matter of fact, this picture is supposed to be me during training.
Tatsächlich soll dieses Bild mich beim Training darstellen.
Fonte: TED
It's more to say that mind training matters. That this is not just a luxury.
Es geht eher darum, zu sagen, dass mentales Training wichtig ist. Dass es nicht einfach Luxus ist.
Fonte: TED
Of course, during the training, we do that with objects.
Natürlich tun wir das beim Training mit Objekten.
Fonte: TED
They are real Olympic champions of mind training.
Sie sind geradezu Olympiasieger im mentalen Training.
Fonte: TED
So this is the principal of mind training.
Das ist das Prinzip von mentalem Training.
Fonte: TED
That is the ground for mind training.
Dies ist die Grundlage für mentales Training.
Fonte: TED
I don't do special physical training.
Ich mache kein spezielles Training.
Fonte: TED
BG: What kind of training do you do, you personally, for that?
BG: Was für ein Training absolvieren Sie, Sie persönlich, dafür?
Fonte: TED

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