Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "wrote"

"wrote" traduzione Tedesco

[rout] <past participle | Partizip Perfektpperf,preterite, (simple) past tense | Präteritum, Vergangenheit prät> obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs

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  • wrote obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs → vedere „write
    wrote obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs → vedere „write
he wrote the result
er teilte das Ergebnis mit
he wrote the result
he wrote several pages of verse
er schrieb ein mehrseitiges Gedicht
he wrote several pages of verse
I wrote in my last
ich schrieb in meinem letzten Brief
I wrote in my last
you wrote a good maths paper
du hast eine gute Matheklausur geschrieben
you wrote a good maths paper
I wrote him a stinker
ich habe ihm einen groben Brief geschrieben
I wrote him a stinker
he wrote reams and reams of verse
er schrieb ganze Bände von Gedichten
he wrote reams and reams of verse
he wrote a letter to the effect that
er schrieb einen Brief des Inhalts, dass
he wrote a letter to the effect that
I wrote to him direct
ich schrieb direkt an ihn
I wrote to him direct
I wrote a letter to him
ich schrieb ihm einen Brief
I wrote a letter to him
she wrote 4 pages
sie schrieb 4 Seiten voll
she wrote 4 pages
Er hat vor einigen Tagen in der New York Times einen beachtenswerten Artikel geschrieben.
He wrote a remarkable article in the'New York Times' a few days ago.
Fonte: Europarl
Aber er schrieb es nochmals-- trotzdem; er konnte nichts dafür.
But he wrote it again, nevertheless; he could not help it.
Fonte: Books
Sie setzte sich hin und schrieb:
She sat down and wrote:
Fonte: Books
Scrooge saß in seinem Kontor, so stand geschrieben.
Scrooge sat in his counting house, he wrote.
Fonte: Europarl
Mido, Koordinator der Wikimania 2008 und Autor für die arabische Wikipedia, schreibt:
Mido, the lead coordinator for wikimania 2008 and a constant contributer in Arabic Wikipedia, wrote:
Fonte: GlobalVoices

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