Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "threatened"

"threatened" traduzione Tedesco

[ˈθretnd]adjective | Adjektiv adj

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he threatened to slit his ears
er drohte, ihm die Ohren abzuschneiden
he threatened to slit his ears
to be threatened with extinction
to be threatened with extinction
he threatened punishment to all of us
er drohte uns allen Bestrafung an
he threatened punishment to all of us
our cook threatened to leave
unsere Köchin drohte zu gehen
our cook threatened to leave
he threatened us with punishment
er drohte uns eine Strafe an
he threatened us with punishment
she threatened to buy a car
sie drohte (damit), einen Wagen zu kaufen
she threatened to buy a car
Wie lange darf der Streik andauern, bevor er den freien Warenverkehr bedroht?
How long could the strike continue before it threatened free movement?
Fonte: Europarl
Obwohl es nicht zu einer wirklichen Auseinandersetzung kam, fühlte ich mich dennoch bedroht.
Although there was no real conflict, I still felt threatened.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
In jüngerer Zeit gefährdete das gleiche Problem die Einführung von HPV-Impfstoffen.
More recently, the same problem threatened to hinder the adoption of HPV vaccines.
Beide sind durch den islamischen Extremismus und wachsende Unruhen bedroht.
Both are threatened by Islamic extremism and growing unrest.
Was, wenn sie tatsächlich bedroht sind?
What if they are actually threatened people?
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Das Regime reagiert nur, wenn es sich bedroht fühlt.
The regime responds only when it feels threatened.
Fonte: Europarl

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