Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "ted"

"ted" traduzione Tedesco

[ted]transitive verb | transitives Verb v/t <preterite, (simple) past tense | Präteritum, Vergangenheitprätand | und u.past participle | Partizip Perfekt pperf tedded>

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(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • zum Trocknen ausbreiten
    ted agriculture | Agrar-/LandwirtschaftAGR newly mown grass
    ted agriculture | Agrar-/LandwirtschaftAGR newly mown grass
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ janna_levin_the_sound_the_universe_makes. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ janna_ levin_ the_ sound_ the_ universe_ makes. html
Fonte: TED
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ julian_treasure_shh_sound_health_in_8_steps. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ julian_ treasure_ shh_ sound_ health_ in_ 8_ steps. html
Fonte: TED
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ sonaar_luthra_meet_the_water_canary. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ sonaar_ luthra_ meet_ the_ water_ canary. html
Fonte: TED
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ dan_dennett_s_response_to_rick_warren. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ dan_ dennett_ s_ response_ to_ rick_ warren. html
Fonte: TED
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ charlie_todd_the_shared_experience_of_absurdity. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ charlie_ todd_ the_ shared_ experience_ of_ absurdity. html
Fonte: TED
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ a_whistleblower_you_haven_t_heard. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ a_ whistleblower_ you_ haven_ t_ heard. html
Fonte: TED

"Ted" traduzione Tedesco

[ted] <short form | Kurzformkzf>

Panoramica di tutte le traduzion

(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

that is Ted all over!
das ist typisch Ted! das sieht Ted ähnlich!
that is Ted all over!

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