Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "statue"

"statue" traduzione Tedesco

British English | britisches EnglischBr [ˈstætju] American English | amerikanisches EnglischUS [-ʧu]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Statuefeminine | Femininum f
    Standbildneuter | Neutrum n
    Plastikfeminine | Femininum f
  • Bildnisneuter | Neutrum n
    statue figurative representation
    figürliche Darstellung
    statue figurative representation
    statue figurative representation
the statue faces the park
die Statue blickt auf den Park
the statue faces the park
a life-size statue
equestrian statue
Reiterstatue, -standbild
equestrian statue
Mercurial statue
Mercurial statue
to carve a block of wood into a statue
einen Holzblock zu einer Statue schnitzen
to carve a block of wood into a statue
a statue in bronze
eine Statue aus Bronze
a statue in bronze
Diese Statuen, wundervolle Statuen, geben Ihnen einen Eindruck des Grundwasserspiegels.
These statues, marvelous statues, gives you an idea of water table.
Fonte: TED
Diese Statuen, wundervolle Statuen, geben Ihnen einen Eindruck des Grundwasserspiegels.
These statues, marvelous statues, gives you an idea of water table.
Fonte: TED
Die Statue ist aus Stein gemeißelt.
The statue is carved out of stone.
Fonte: Tatoeba
Dem Standbild fehlt der Kopf.
The statue is missing its head.
Fonte: Tatoeba
Die berühmteste Statue der Welt.
The most famous statue in the world.
Fonte: TED
Wir versammelten uns in dem einen Raum, dem Statuen-Saal,
And we were meeting in that room, the statue room.
Fonte: TED

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