Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "Scotland"

"Scotland" traduzione Tedesco

[ˈsk(ɒ)tlənd]noun | Substantiv s

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the Highlands of Scotland
the Highlands of Scotland
which part of Scotland are you from?
aus welchem Teil Schottlands kommst du?
which part of Scotland are you from?
the four royal boroughs in Scotland
die 4 königlichen Burgflecken in Schottland (Edinburgh, Stirling, Linlithgow, Lanark)
the four royal boroughs in Scotland
Scotland is a wonderful place for holidays
Schottland ist ein schönes Urlaubsland
Scotland is a wonderful place for holidays
he has won 50 caps for Scotland
er ist 50 Mal mit der schottischen Mannschaft angetreten
he has won 50 caps for Scotland
the west coast of Scotland
die schottische Westküste
the west coast of Scotland
in this part of Scotland
in dieser Gegend Schottlands
in this part of Scotland
the curse of Scotland
die Karoneun (Spielkarte)
the curse of Scotland
when he got his first cap for Scotland
als er zum ersten Mal für Schottland spielte
when he got his first cap for Scotland
16 Representative Peers of Scotland
16 Vertreter Schottlands im Oberhaus, 16 Peers als Vertreter Schottlands
16 Representative Peers of Scotland
Secretary of State for Scotland
Minister(in) für schottische Angelegenheiten
Secretary of State for Scotland

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