Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "primal"

"primal" traduzione Tedesco

Es war ursprünglich und abgelegener als alles, was ich bisher erlebt hatte.
It was very primal and more remote than anything I'd ever experienced before.
Fonte: TED
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ claron_mcfadden_singing_the_primal_mystery. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ claron_ mcfadden_ singing_ the_ primal_ mystery. html
Fonte: TED
Claron McFadden: Die menschliche Stimme: so mysteriös, spontan und ursprünglich.
Claron McFadden: The human voice: mysterious, spontaneous, primal.
Fonte: TED
Claron McFadden: Gesang vom Urgeheimnis
Claron McFadden: Singing the primal mystery
Fonte: TED
Weil mir der Gedanke kam, dass das Gefühl, das ich hatte wie ein Urschrei war.
Because the thought that came to my mind was that the feeling that I had was like a primal scream.
Fonte: TED

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