Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "brought"

"brought" traduzione Tedesco

[brɔːt] <preterite, (simple) past tense | Präteritum, Vergangenheitprätand | und u.past participle | Partizip Perfekt pperf>

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  • brought → vedere „bring
    brought → vedere „bring
he was brought up in Austria
er ist in Österreich aufgewachsen
he was brought up in Austria
to be brought to a nonplus
to be brought to a nonplus
he brought home bad marks
er brachte ein schlechtes Zeugnis nach Hause
he brought home bad marks
that brought him to
das brachte ihn wieder zu sich
that brought him to
he brought home the bacon
he brought home the bacon
to be brought to bed
entbunden werden (of von)
niederkommen (of mit)
to be brought to bed
the cold weather brought on your cold
bei dem kalten Wetter hast du eine Erkältung bekommen
the cold weather brought on your cold
to be brought abed
niederkommen, in die Wochen kommen
to be brought abed
brought forward, carried forward
Übertrag (eines Betrages)
brought forward, carried forward
he brought it to pass
er bewirkte es, er führte es herbei
he brought it to pass
I was brought up to think that …
ich wurde in dem Glauben erzogen, dass …
I was brought up to think that …
I brought it for myself
ich habe es für mich selbst mitgebracht
I brought it for myself
to be brought up on remand
aus der Untersuchungshaft vorgeführt werden
to be brought up on remand
the jury brought him in guilty
die Geschworenen sprachen ihn schuldig
the jury brought him in guilty
the development brought with it
die Entwicklung brachte (es) mit sich
the development brought with it
Dieses Versagen brachte die Hamas an die Macht.
It was this failure that brought Hamas to power.
Sie brachte Tränen in meine Augen und Wärme in mein Herz.
Reading your message brought tears to my eyes and warmness to my heart.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Auf der Frauenkonferenz in Peking wurde ein interessanter Fakt angesprochen.
The women' s conference in Beijing brought an important point to light.
Fonte: Europarl
Überdies hatten sie zum größten Teil ihre eigenen Einrichtungsstücke mitgebracht.
They had moreover brought most of their own furnishings and equipment with them.
Fonte: Books
Aber keiner dieser Versuche gelang.
But none of these efforts brought any success.
Fonte: Books

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