„Zögling“: Maskulinum Zögling [ˈtsøːklɪŋ]Maskulinum | masculine m <Zöglings; Zöglinge> Panoramica di tutte le traduzion (Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli) pupil, boarder ward, child in the care of the welfare authorities pupil Zögling Schüler Zögling Schüler boarder Zögling Internatsschüler Zögling Internatsschüler child in the care of the welfare authorities Zögling Rechtswesen | legal term, lawJUR Fürsorgezögling ward Zögling Rechtswesen | legal term, lawJUR Fürsorgezögling Zögling Rechtswesen | legal term, lawJUR Fürsorgezögling