Traduzione Tedesco-Inglese per "Strohhalm"
"Strohhalm" traduzione Inglese
Tom was drinking chocolate milk with a straw.
Tom trank mit einem Strohhalm Schokoladenmilch.
Fonte: Tatoeba
Tom was drinking chocolate milk through a straw.
Tom trank durch einen Strohhalm Schokoladenmilch.
Fonte: Tatoeba
You can see this easily if you put a straw into a glass of water.
Sie können es leicht erkennen, wenn Sie einen Strohhalm in ein Glas Wasser stellen.
Fonte: Tatoeba
Toward the end of the week, Internet users were grasping at anything.
Gegen Ende der Woche griffen Internet-Nutzer nach jedem Strohhalm.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
I cannot understand why the document clutches at the straw of exports.
Auch den Strohhalm des Exportes kann ich nicht sehen.
Fonte: Europarl
- Tatoeba
- GlobalVoices
- Fonte: OPUS
- Fonte del testo originale: Global Voices
- Banca dati originale: Global Voices Parallel Corpus
- Europarl
- Fonte: OPUS
- Fonte del testo originale: Europäisches Parlament
- Banca dati originale: Europarl Parallel Corups