Traduzione Tedesco-Inglese per "Sterbehilfe"

"Sterbehilfe" traduzione Inglese

Assistance in dying provided by a non-physician remains illegal.
Eine von Nichtmedizinern geleistete Sterbehilfe bleibt ungesetzlich.
Of course there is the question of who qualifies for an assisted death.
Natürlich stellt sich die Frage, wem Sterbehilfe geleistet werden soll.
As the Post pointed out, there is no such thing as involuntary euthanasia in the Netherlands.
Wie die Post betonte, gibt es in den Niederlanden keine unfreiwillige Sterbehilfe.
The Commission is quite clearly planning to administer further euthanasia.
Die Kommission will nun offenbar weiter Sterbehilfe leisten.
Fonte: Europarl
Along with Taylor s right ’ to die, decades of debate about assistance in dying came under scrutiny.
Neben Taylors Recht zu sterben, kam die jahrzehntelange Debatte über Sterbehilfe auf den Prüfstand.
Assisted dying – from ‘ Should we do it? ’ to ‘ Who should do it? ’
Sterbehilfe: Von Sollten wir es tun? zu Wer soll es tun?

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