Traduzione Tedesco-Inglese per "Steinbruch"
"Steinbruch" traduzione Inglese
As he looked round, he saw the top floor of the building next to the quarry.
Seine Blicke fielen auf das letzte Stockwerk des an den Steinbruch angrenzenden Hauses.
Fonte: Books
Quarries once made the nature, and sometimes we took this and we transformed.
Steinbrüche haben hier einst die Natur ausgemacht. Und manchmal haben wir das umgewandelt.
Fonte: TED
Good, thought Huck, they will bury it in the old quarry.
Gut, dachte Huck, sie werden's im alten Steinbruch vergraben.
Fonte: Books
Parks-- old quarries that they were transformed into parks.
Parks- alte Steinbrüche, die in Parks umgewandelt wurden.
Fonte: TED
A quarry filled with water from melting snow in the Nookat region of Kyrgyzstan.
Ein Steinbruch voller Schmelzwasser in der Nookat Region, Kirgisistan.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
- Fonte: OPUS
- Fonte del testo originale: WIT³
- Fonte del testo originale: TED
- Banca dati originale: TED Talk Parallel Corpus
- GlobalVoices
- Fonte: OPUS
- Fonte del testo originale: Global Voices
- Banca dati originale: Global Voices Parallel Corpus
- Books
- Fonte: OPUS
- Fonte del testo originale: Bilingual Books