Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "vicar"

"vicar" traduzione Tedesco

[ˈvikə(r)]noun | Substantiv s

Panoramica di tutte le traduzion

(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • Pfarrer(in)
    vicar religion | ReligionREL in Anglican Church: parish priest
    vicar religion | ReligionREL in Anglican Church: parish priest
  • Vikar(in)
    vicar religion | ReligionREL Anglican Church
    vicar religion | ReligionREL Anglican Church
  • Stellvertreter(in) des Pfarrers
    vicar representative of parish priest religion | ReligionREL
    vicar representative of parish priest religion | ReligionREL
  • Vertreter der religiösen Gemeinschaft, die den Zehnten erhält
    vicar representative of parish who receives tithes religion | ReligionREL
    vicar representative of parish who receives tithes religion | ReligionREL
  • Pfarrer, der nur die kleineren Zehnten erhält
    vicar parish priest who receives smaller tithes religion | ReligionREL
    vicar parish priest who receives smaller tithes religion | ReligionREL
  • Geistlicher, der eine von der Hauptkirche der Gemeinde abhängige Kirche betreut
    vicar religion | ReligionREL Protestant Church in USA: priest in charge of one of churches dependent on main parish church
    vicar religion | ReligionREL Protestant Church in USA: priest in charge of one of churches dependent on main parish church
  • Stellvertretermasculine | Maskulinum m des Bischofs
    vicar religion | ReligionREL Protestant Church in USA:, representative of bishop
    vicar religion | ReligionREL Protestant Church in USA:, representative of bishop
  • Stellvertretermasculine | Maskulinum m des Pfarrers mit richterlicher Gewalt
    vicar religion | ReligionREL Roman Catholic Church:, representative of priest with power of jurisdiction
    vicar religion | ReligionREL Roman Catholic Church:, representative of priest with power of jurisdiction
  • apostolic vicar → vedere „vicar apostolic
    apostolic vicar → vedere „vicar apostolic
  • cardinal vicar religion | ReligionREL Roman Catholic Church
    Kardinalvikarmasculine | Maskulinum m (Stellvertreter des Papstes für das Bistum Rom)
    cardinal vicar religion | ReligionREL Roman Catholic Church
  • Vicar of (Jesus) Christ religion | ReligionREL Roman Catholic Church, pope
    Statthaltermasculine | Maskulinum m Christi (auf Erden)
    Vicar of (Jesus) Christ religion | ReligionREL Roman Catholic Church, pope
  • Stellvertretermasculine | Maskulinum m
    vicar religion | ReligionREL allg:, representative
    vicar religion | ReligionREL allg:, representative
  • Beauftragtermasculine | Maskulinum m
    vicar religion | ReligionREL allg:, person charged with carrying out specific task
    vicar religion | ReligionREL allg:, person charged with carrying out specific task
Ich bin ein Vikar in der Kirche von England.
I am a vicar in the Church of England.
Fonte: TED

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