Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "transfixed"

"transfixed" traduzione Tedesco

[-ˈfikst]adjective | Adjektiv adj figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig

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to be transfixed with
starr sein vor (dative (case) | Dativdat)
to be transfixed with
his heart was transfixed with grief
his heart was transfixed with grief
the sword transfixed his heart
das Schwert durchbohrte sein Herz
the sword transfixed his heart
he was transfixed to the spot with surprise
he was transfixed to the spot with surprise
Oft lähmen uns all diese Möglichkeiten, mit denen wir uns in der Welt darstellen können.
Much of the time we're transfixed by all of the ways we can reflect ourselves into the world.
Fonte: TED
Zuerst war sie stumm vor Erstaunen, dann elektrisiert vor Wonne.
She was first transfixed with surprise, and then electrified with delight.
Fonte: Books

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