Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "stillness"

"stillness" traduzione Tedesco

[ˈstilnis]noun | Substantiv s

Panoramica di tutte le traduzion

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  • Stillefeminine | Femininum f
    stillness lack of movement
    Ruhefeminine | Femininum f
    stillness lack of movement
    Bewegungslosigkeitfeminine | Femininum f
    stillness lack of movement
    stillness lack of movement
  • Stillefeminine | Femininum f
    stillness quietness
    Lautlosigkeitfeminine | Femininum f
    stillness quietness
    Schweigenneuter | Neutrum n
    stillness quietness
    stillness quietness
  • Schweigsamkeitfeminine | Femininum f
    stillness silence: of person
    stillness silence: of person
deathlike stillness
deathful stillness
deathful stillness
Tiefe Stille herrschte wieder wie vorher.
The stillness was complete again, too.
Fonte: Books
Durch das Schweigen Stille und durch die Stille Stillstand.
Silence leads to stillness and stillness leads to a standstill.
Fonte: Europarl
Das Husten einer entfernten Eule war der einzige Ton, der die tiefe Stille zuweilen unterbrach.
The hooting of a distant owl was all the sound that troubled the dead stillness.
Fonte: Books
Jedenfalls, Balance- eine konstante Bewegung, um die Annäherung an die Stille zu finden.
Anyway, balance: constant movement to find an approach to stillness.
Fonte: TED
Durch das Schweigen Stille und durch die Stille Stillstand.
Silence leads to stillness and stillness leads to a standstill.
Fonte: Europarl
In der klaren, stillen Morgenluft war das leiseste Geräusch vernehmbar.
In the translucent stillness of the morning the slightest sounds were audible.
Fonte: Books

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