Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "shamelessly"

"shamelessly" traduzione Tedesco

adverb | Adverb adv

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Sie unterstützen schamlos alle Arten dieses Unsinns, weil es den Sponsoren gefällt.
They shamelessly promote all kinds of nonsense of this sort because it pleases the sponsors.
Fonte: TED
Herr Pompidou, Sie nutzen die Lage schamlos aus!
Mr Pompidou, you are seeking to shamelessly profit from the situation!
Fonte: Europarl
Also werde ich Ihnen jetzt schamlos etwas enthüllen, was für mich sehr schön ist.
So I'm going to shamelessly expose something to you, which is beautiful to me.
Fonte: TED
Aber genau dies kündigt der US-Präsident ungeniert an.
Yet this is precisely what the President of the United States is envisaging quite shamelessly.
Fonte: Europarl

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