Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "quietly"

"quietly" traduzione Tedesco

[ˈkwaiətli]adverb | Adverb adv

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  • leise
    quietly not loudly
    quietly not loudly
  • still
    quietly without fuss
    quietly without fuss
he quietly slipped it into his briefcase
he quietly slipped it into his briefcase
Ich empfinde echte und wirkliche leise Freude darüber.
I am really and truly, quietly, delighted about this.
Fonte: Europarl
Zudem werden die Partikelemissionen verringert, und die Fahrzeuge fahren mit Gas im Tank leiser.
In addition, particulate emissions are also reduced and cars run more quietly on gas.
Fonte: Europarl
Der Kalte Krieg endete ruhig, und der Zerfall des Sowjetreiches folgte.
The Cold War ended quietly, and the dismantlement of the Soviet empire followed.
Norwegen tut dies in aller Stille schon seit vielen Jahren.
Norway, indeed, has been doing this very – quietly – for many years
Allerdings möchten die Menschen in Augustów in Ruhe leben.
However, the people of Augustavas want to live quietly.
Fonte: Europarl
Eine Kollegin hat darum gebeten, dass wir das jetzt machen, darüber kann man ja in Ruhe diskutieren.
A fellow Member asked that we do it now; that can be discussed quietly.
Fonte: Europarl
Greenspan hörte sich Bernankes Logik geduldig und ruhig an.
Greenspan listened patiently and quietly to Bernanke ’ s logic.

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