Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "potter"

"potter" traduzione Tedesco

[ˈp(ɒ)tə(r)]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Töpfer(in)
  • Steingut-and | und u. Tonwarenhändler(in)
    potter stoneware and pottery handler dialect(al) | Dialekt, dialektaldial
    potter stoneware and pottery handler dialect(al) | Dialekt, dialektaldial
Potter zitterte und wurde aschfahl.
Potter trembled and grew white.
Fonte: Books
[ˈp(ɒ)tə(r)]intransitive verb | intransitives Verb v/i

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  • often | oftoft potter aboutor | oder od around do agreeable tasks at gentle pace
    herumwerkeln, -hantieren, -kramen
    often | oftoft potter aboutor | oder od around do agreeable tasks at gentle pace
  • herumlungern, -hängen, -trödeln
    potter hang around, wander around
    potter hang around, wander around
  • herumpfuschen, -spielen (at an einer Arbeitet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc in in einem Berufet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc)
    potter play around, mess about
    potter play around, mess about
  • plappern, plaudern
    potter rare | seltenselten (chatter, gossip)
    potter rare | seltenselten (chatter, gossip)
[ˈp(ɒ)tə(r)]transitive verb | transitives Verb v/t

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[ˈp(ɒ)tə(r)]noun | Substantiv s

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  • (Herum)Hantierenneuter | Neutrum n
    potter completing of agreeable tasks at gentle pace
    potter completing of agreeable tasks at gentle pace
  • (Herum)Spielereifeminine | Femininum f
    potter playing around, messing about
    Pfuschereifeminine | Femininum f
    potter playing around, messing about
    potter playing around, messing about
Potter zitterte und wurde aschfahl.
Potter trembled and grew white.
Fonte: Books

"Potter" traduzione Tedesco

, Beatrix [ˈp(ɒ)tə(r)]

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(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • Engl. Autorin von Kinderbüchern 1866-1943
Potter zitterte und wurde aschfahl.
Potter trembled and grew white.
Fonte: Books
, Simeon [ˈp(ɒ)tə(r)]

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(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • Engl. Philologe 1898-1976
Potter zitterte und wurde aschfahl.
Potter trembled and grew white.
Fonte: Books

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