Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "politician"

"politician" traduzione Tedesco

[p(ɒ)liˈtiʃən; -lə-]noun | Substantiv s

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(Fai clic sulla/Tocca traduzione per maggiori dettagli)

  • Politiker(in), Staatsmannmasculine | Maskulinum m
  • (Partei)Politiker(in)
    politician party politician
    politician party politician
  • jemand, der durch Parteipolitikor | oder od persönliche Beziehungen Einflussor | oder od Vorteile gewinnen will
    politician person seeking influence or gain via politics or connections
    politician person seeking influence or gain via politics or connections
he is finished as a politician
als Politiker ist er erledigt
he is finished as a politician
she was finished as a politician
als Politikerin war sie erledigt
she was finished as a politician
serious politician
ernsthafter Politiker
serious politician
a peanut politician
ein unbedeutender Politiker
a peanut politician
a powerful politician
ein einflussreicher Politiker
a powerful politician
two-bit politician
bestechlicher Politiker
two-bit politician
a thoroughpaced politician
ein erfahrener Politiker
a thoroughpaced politician
a Teflon politician
ein Politiker, an dem kein Skandalet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc haften bleibt
a Teflon politician
a radical politician
ein radikaler Politiker
a radical politician
a top-flight politician
a top-flight politician
Was jedoch die Standards betrifft, so müssen wir unsere Arbeit noch verbessern.
It is not we politicians who should decide on these standards.
Fonte: Europarl
@helena_chari: Griechenland braucht keine Massenvernichtungswaffen; es hat seine Politiker
@ helena_ chari: greece doesn't need weapons of mass destruction; it's got its politicians
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Zum Teil tragen reformorientierte Politiker Schuld an diesem Wandel.
Reform-minded politicians were partly to blame for this change.
Die amerikanischen Politiker sind heute Markennamen, verpackt wie Frühstückszerealien.
American politicians are now brand names, packaged like breakfast cereal.
Der Zweck dieser Initiative ist es, Druck auf Politiker auszuüben, um den Hunger zu bekämpfen.
The purpose of this initiative is to put pressure on politicians to combat hunger.
Fonte: GlobalVoices
Damit müssen wir als Politiker vorsichtig umgehen.
We politicians need to show some prudence in this respect.
Fonte: Europarl

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