Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "parched"

"parched" traduzione Tedesco

to be parched with thirst
to be parched with thirst
Das ganze Jahr hindurch knochentrockene Dürretage im Wechsel mit wolkenbruchartigen Regenfällen.
All year round, parched dry days alternate with days of torrential rain.
Fonte: Europarl
An unserem Einsatzort in Aurangabad ist der Boden extrem ausgetrocknet.
Where we work in Aurangabad, the land is extraordinarily parched.
Fonte: TED
Das war der sprichwörtliche Funke, der das Pulverfass zum Explodieren brachte.
It was the proverbial match thrown by a careless smoker into a parched forest.
Das ist absolut unzureichend, um den Durst der Dürstenden zu stillen.
It would go no way at all towards quenching the thirst of the parched.
Fonte: Europarl

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