Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "mistreat"

"mistreat" traduzione Tedesco

Den neusten Berichten zufolge wird er misshandelt und gefoltert.
According to the latest reports, he is being mistreated and subjected to torture.
Fonte: Europarl
Nach wie vor werden Tausende von Nonnen und Mönchen verfolgt, inhaftiert und misshandelt.
Thousands of nuns and monks are continuing to be persecuted, imprisoned and mistreated.
Fonte: Europarl
Es darf nicht länger zu Umweltschädigungen und Tierquälerei kommen.
The environment must no longer be damaged and animals must no longer be mistreated.
Fonte: Europarl
Aber später begannen die Regierungssoldaten, uns zu misshandeln.
But later the government soldiers began mistreating us a lot.
Fonte: TED
Sie waren dort, weil sie gequält und mißhandelt worden und entkommen waren.
They were there because they had been tortured, they had been mistreated and they were escaping.
Fonte: Europarl

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