[ˈhækl]noun | Substantiv sPanoramica di tutte le traduzion
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- Hechelfeminine | Femininum fhackle engineering | TechnikTECH tool for hackling flaxhackle engineering | TechnikTECH tool for hackling flax
- (lange) Hals- Schwanzfederhackle long neck or tail featherhackle long neck or tail feather
- Halsfedernplural | Plural pl, -gefiederneuter | Neutrum n (especially | besondersbesonders Hühner)hackle neck feathershackle neck feathers
- (aufstellbare) Rücken-and | und u. Halshaareplural | Plural pl (Hund)hackle hairs on back or neck <plural | Pluralpl>hackle hairs on back or neck <plural | Pluralpl>
- Federfüßeplural | Plural plhackle fishing:, hackle feathers made to represent legs of flyhackle fishing:, hackle feathers made to represent legs of fly
- (künstliche) Angelfliege ohne Federflügelhackle hackle flyhackle hackle fly
[ˈhækl]transitive verb | transitives Verb v/tPanoramica di tutte le traduzion
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- hechelnhackle engineering | TechnikTECH flaxet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etchackle engineering | TechnikTECH flaxet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc