[ˈk(ɒ)ntekst]noun | Substantiv sPanoramica di tutte le traduzion
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- Zusammenhangmasculine | Maskulinum mcontextKontextmasculine | Maskulinum mcontextcontext
- zusammenhängender Inhaltcontext coherent content: of speech, textet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etccontext coherent content: of speech, textet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
- Umgebungfeminine | Femininum fcontext surrounding text: of place in textKontextmasculine | Maskulinum mcontext surrounding text: of place in textcontext surrounding text: of place in text
- Umgebungfeminine | Femininum fcontext surrounding thingsumgebende Dingeplural | Plural plcontext surrounding thingscontext surrounding things