Traduzione Inglese-Tedesco per "boarding"

"boarding" traduzione Tedesco

[ˈbɔː(r)diŋ]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Verschalenneuter | Neutrum n
    boarding act of covering with boards
    Dielenneuter | Neutrum n
    boarding act of covering with boards
    Täfelnneuter | Neutrum n
    boarding act of covering with boards
    boarding act of covering with boards
  • Bretterverschlagmasculine | Maskulinum m, -verkleidungfeminine | Femininum f
    boarding boards for covering
    Verschalungfeminine | Femininum f
    boarding boards for covering
    Dielenbelagmasculine | Maskulinum m
    boarding boards for covering
    Täfelungfeminine | Femininum f
    boarding boards for covering
    boarding boards for covering
  • Schalbretterplural | Plural pl, -lattenplural | Plural pl
    boarding boards for panelling <plural | Pluralpl>
    boarding boards for panelling <plural | Pluralpl>
  • Kostfeminine | Femininum f
    boarding meals
    Verpflegungfeminine | Femininum f
    boarding meals
    boarding meals
  • Krispelnneuter | Neutrum n
    boarding engineering | TechnikTECH of leather
    boarding engineering | TechnikTECH of leather
  • Enternneuter | Neutrum n
    boarding nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF
    boarding nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF
boarding axe
boarding axe
he was bundled off to boarding school when he was only seven
he was bundled off to boarding school when he was only seven
Tom hat ein Jungeninternat besucht.
Tom went to an all-boys boarding school
Fonte: Tatoeba
Tom hat ein Internat besucht.
Tom went to a boarding school.
Fonte: Tatoeba
In meinem ersten Antrag geht es um die Nichtbeförderung und die Annullierung von Flügen.
The first amendment relates to denied boarding and flight cancellations.
Fonte: Europarl
Wo ist der Flugsteig für Japan Airlines 124?
Where is the boarding gate for Japan Airlines 124?
Fonte: Tatoeba
Das gilt sowohl für die Nichtbeförderung als auch für die Annullierung.
This applies to both denied boarding and cancellation.
Fonte: Europarl
Darf ich Ihre Bordkarte sehen?
May I see your boarding pass, please?
Fonte: Tatoeba
Letztendlich kommt eine Annullierung einer Beförderungsverweigerung für den gesamten Flug gleich.
Ultimately, cancellation equates to universal denied boarding for an entire flight.
Fonte: Europarl
Ab wann lassen Sie die Passagiere einsteigen?
What time do you start boarding?
Fonte: Tatoeba

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